With more than 200 cmdlets, or single function instructions, at your disposal, Microsoft’s potent tool, PowerShell, can make automation a breeze. Launched in 2006 as a replacement for Command Prompt, this adaptable architecture gives users the freedom to design their own unique system administration tools and save countless hours every day. But hold on—the story doesn’t end there. The additional benefit is that it has been cross-platform and open-source for Windows OS as well as other platforms since 2016, making it far more accessible than ever. It’s simple to find out what version of PowerShell you have.
No matter their operating system, Windows OS users can now benefit from the specialised features and capabilities thanks to PowerShell Core! You may easily install and set up PowerShell 7.0 or greater for an improved experience on any platform, including macOS 10.13 or higher and Linux-based systems.
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Question is why do I need to show which PowerShell Version I am using?
PowerShell has advanced significantly since its inception in 2006. From its modest beginnings as version 1.0 with Windows XP and Vista to the release of version 5.1 for Microsoft Server 2003 in January 2017, we have seen the framework progress through versions 2.0, 7, and beyond into version 7.2, making this potent technology more and more common on our systems today.
PowerShell 7 brings a whole bunch of exciting new features to the table, including:
1) ForEach-Object’s Parallel option allows for parallel processing.
2) Get-Error cmdlet puts error viewing at your fingertips!
3) Integrated Windows modules for maximum use.
4) Take advantage of the features provided by the?: operator +?? operator to speed up and simplify code creation!
Since the introduction of PowerShell 6.0, a useful tool to help users maintain their system’s updates via the Microsoft Update Service had been missing. With the release of Version 7.2, Microsoft brought it back. Additionally, as users write instructions into Windows Terminal, this edition provides a choice that can forecast their future behaviour! However, with so many PowerShell versions available, it can be challenging for end users to determine which one is actually in use at any given time. Fortunately, we have developed a useful guide that explains how anyone can easily identify and distinguish between the various iterations that are currently available.
In PowerShell Itself
Unearth the power of Windows PowerShell! Use your search bar to quickly launch the app or use a Run command by pressing ‘Win’ + R key and typing in “PowerShell”. From there and you’re ready for action.

Enter “$PSVersionTable” into a command window to know additional information, including the PowerShell version.

Some more commands that show your PowerShell version
How to use registry to get my PowerShell version
Open Search and type “Registry Editor” to access the PowerShell version from Windows Registry. Your machine will be asked if changes can be made; select yes, and prepare to discover what version is.
In the left-hand toolbar, under Software, below “HKEY-LOCAL-MACHINE, or HKLM”.

With a few easy steps, you can find the version number of your Microsoft PowerShell engine. In the list of software providers, look for it, then scroll down to PowerShell and choose option 3. The “PowerShell Engine” tab will provide you all the relevant details, including your current version.
How to check PowerShell version remotely?
Using the Invoke-Command snippet in PowerShell, you can quickly determine what version of any remote computer is. Simply adjust it to meet your needs, then prepare for an immediate diagnosis.
nvoke-Command -ComputerName comp1 -ScriptBlock {$PSVersionTable.PSVersion} -Credential $cred
Just make sure to edit the computer name instead of “comp1”, and the credentials elow $cred.
By using commas to separate values, you may efficiently handle several remote PCs at once, saving time and maximising your processing resources.
Versions of PowerShell which come preinstalled with Which Windows OS?

Guide to upgrading to a newer version of PowerShell
Keep PowerShell 7.2 and Windows PowerShell both installed to get the most out of your computer; but, because the new versions do not support Windows natively, certain older scripts may not work with them. Run comprehensive tests prior for the best results as some modules may need modifications before use in subsequent versions.
It’s simple to use PowerShell 7’s capabilities if you want to! Run a script straightaway from your current version. Simply paste this cmdlet snippet and hit enter to simultaneously run both versions of the programme for optimal compatibility.
iex “& { $(irm https://aka.ms/install-powershell.ps1) } -UseMSI”

You have the upper hand with the PowerShell wizard! To meet your specific demands, modify your settings and available alternatives. Customise it today to make it your own.
Directly from the GitHub releases page, you may get PowerShell version 7.2.3, the most recent release. It is simple to choose your preferred OS from the list of assets and begin using this potent programming language for a variety of projects.
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