How To Use Remote Desktop With Multiple Monitors
May 31, 2023 | Published by Fazal HussainThe introduction of remote access software has dramatically increased the ability of MSPs, IT specialists, and IT departments to troubleshoot, diagnose, or make changes to workstations and machines remotely without having to be on-site with clients and customers. Alternative: Clients would have little to no visibility into whether the problems had been resolved as experts […]

Managed Service Provider (MSP)
March 2, 2023 | Published by Fazal HussainWhat is a Managed Service Provider? The end-user systems and information technology (IT) infrastructure of a customer are remotely managed by managed service providers, or MSPs. These enterprises are frequently hired by small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs), nonprofit organizations, and governmental organizations to oversee their everyday IT settings. This can involve services like managing networks […]

What is Patch Management? | Software Patching
February 21, 2023 | Published by Fazal HussainPatch Management Finding, distributing, and deploying new software versions to fix problems, commonly referred to as bugs or vulnerabilities, is a process known as patch management. Operating systems, applications, and embedded systems like network equipment are some of the common domains that patching affects. When a software vulnerability is found after it has been released, […]

5 Tips for Securing Microsoft Teams
September 11, 2021 | Published by ShoaibMicrosoft Teams adoption has skyrocketed over the past year. This may seem like an obvious statement but I don’t just mean chat and video capabilities. Teams is becoming the central hub to interact with apps, share files, and perform daily tasks with members inside and outside the organization. Microsoft is putting the most development effort […]